Decky Zulkarnain S.Sos,I, M.M, saat ini aktif sebagai pembimbing rohani sekaligus trainer di Badan Koordinasi Bimbingan dan Rohani Islam Nasional (BKBRIN) yang berpusat di Jakarta. Selain sebagai Trainer Remaja Modul (Motivasi, Team Work, Religious) kini tengah meniti karir sebagai guru Bimbingan Konseling di SMA Labschool Cinere. Sekaligus Pemilik dari Al-Amanah Advertising>>>


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The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship 2010

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship 2010

Scholarships for International Students
The Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program 2010
The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan. The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for well qualified citizens of the Bank’s Developing Member Countries (DMCs) to undertake postgraduate studies which will assist the economic and social development of their countries.

Who is eligible?
Citizens of developing member countries of the Bank list and selection criteria who have a minimum of two years’ working experience and who are eligible for admission to the following degree programs at the University of Sydney:

  • Master of Economics
  • Master of Commerce
  • Master of International Business
  • Master of Transport Management
  • Master of International Public Health
  • Master of Engineering

Please note, applicants living or working outside their home country are not eligible for this scholarship. Also, no applicant will be allowed to apply for the ADB-JSP scholarship more than two times.

Application Deadline:
Application closing date for courses starting in July 2010 is 30 November 2009.
Selection criteria

  • Qualifications of the candidate.
  • Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
  • Preference to women candidates.
  • Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity.
  • The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
  • The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second master’s degree or a second doctorate degree.
  • Candidates who are applying in a participating academic institution in their own country may not be selected.
  • Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each participating academic institution will be considered.

Application form
You can complete the Application Form by following the instructions on the form.

Please download the ADB-JSP application form (191kb PDF).

You must have a copy of Acrobat Reader to access this form. If you do not have one, you can download a free copy from Adobe.

For further information please contact:
International Office
The University of Sydney
Phone - +61 2 8627 8302
Fax - +61 2 8627 8387
Email -

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